Medical tourism has been growing rapidly and people have been turning to international healthcare where people from all around the world are traveling to other countries to obtain general health exams and procedures, medical surgery, prenatal care, cosmetic procedures, plastic surgery and dental procedures at a fraction of the cost of healthcare in their home country.
Many patients come to Huram looking for answers. There are many hospitals and clinics that specializes in specific medical procedures and surgeries. Certain hospitals provide a package system that allows the patient to go through the medical exam and then start any treatment process.
Our Treatment Program includes procedures such as Dentistry ( implants , whitening, scaling, etc. ) , eye care ( LASIK , LASEK , cataracts, glaucoma , presbyopia , etc.) , ENT therapy ( tinnitus, ear infections , dizziness , etc.) , specialized clinic treatment , hernia, hemorrhoids , spinal disorders , cardiovascular disease, joint disease , breast disease , thyroid gland disease.
- Diagnostics: Services include body composition analysis, audiometry exam, vision exam, electrocardiogram, blood tests, oral exam, urinalysis, gastroscopy, cervical cancer screening, Atherosclerosis, Thyroid ultrasound, MDCT, MRI, MRA, MRE, and more.
- Eye Care: Cataract surgery, LASIK and LASEK procedures, Retinal Surgery, general exams.
- Dental: Veneers (dental porcelain laminates), whitening, implants, fillings, root canals, contouring and reshaping, bridges and crowns.
- Otolaryngology: Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Otitis media (middle ear infections), palatoschisis.
- Services option may depend on the patient’s needs and interest as well as the services provided by the hospitals.